Table of Contents
What is Product Marketing?
The commercialization of a product or service efforts on the action of commercializing, which consists of putting a product up for sale, giving it the necessary commercial conditions for its sale, and providing it with the distribution channels that allow it to reach the final public.
Marketing is based on all the techniques and decisions focused on selling a product on the market to achieve the best possible results.
However, all these decisions and strategies proposed to get customers to choose our products must result from an exhaustive study of all the factors that affect marketing. The commercial and marketing area must be in charge of the analysis and research of the market.
Marketing of Information Products and Services
The deep economic crisis of the early 1970s led to a new development paradigm. As a result, the financial, administrative, and marketing disciplines acquired a dominant place in the scheme of social progress. Corresponding to this, information institutions have introduced modern work schemes to increase their capacity to meet the needs of their users.
Being the first to enter: The company that enters a new market first enjoys the “first-mover advantages,” which consist of obtaining some key distributors and customers and gaining a reputation for leadership. On the contrary, if the product is launched on the market before it is fully developed, the company could acquire an image of defective products.
Parallel delivery: the company could plan its entry time with the competitor, and if the competitor rushes to the launch, it does the same. If the competitor takes their time, the company should take theirs too, using this additional time to refine the product. The corporation could agree that both shared the costs of promotion and launches.
Later Delivery: The company could delay its launch until the competition has done so, with three potential advantages. The competition will have tolerated the cost of educating the market. The competitor’s product may reveal flaws that the new entrant can avoid. And the company can know the size of the market. analyzed and discussed the commercialization of products and services in these times.
What is Marketing System?
The system theory provides the appropriate analytical framework to contextualize the marketing activity if the concept defined by Hernández (1998) is taken into account, which considers that a system is a set of elements with properties and attributes that constitute a whole, related both to each other and to the environment familiar to them, from which specific food inputs are obtained and to which they provide separate outputs.
Structure of the Marketing System
From an internal perspective, marketing constitutes a business function interrelated with two other significant company procedures: production and financing Consequently. The structure of the marketing system depends to a large extent on these two elements since the expected sales depend on the manufacturing expenses and the investment needs.
The production system consists of using human and material factors for the production of goods and the provision of services. All productive activity conditions by the type of product produced. However, it is not the exclusive responsibility of the production management.
Types of Product Marketing
There are many ways to carry out Marketing. Whether in stores, warehouses, or markets so that the product has its price labelled and is visible to the buyer. Here you have how to set up an online store.
It also done through distance selling, online, by telephone, or through catalogues, where the purchase will make by credit card.
As in almost all sectors, there is a dark side to Marketing, which consider illegal. Since it offers improving stores that do not pay taxes and do not offer guarantees. Please get to know our online billing program to keep a record within the law.
The purpose of this article is to critically outline the different theoretical approaches to the theory. The Marketing of non-tangible products and marketing according to the economic and social environment. Its Cuban society from a scientific perspective. In such a way it allows the creation of the theoretical framework essential. To ensure a correct development strategy of higher education centres, particularly university centers.
The economic and social transformations make themselves felt in one way or another. In with different intensities in each facet of the country’s development process. Naturally, therefore, Cuban entities, companies, scientific institutions, universities, etc.